Ellsworth’s First Bank Kansas celebrates Independence Day with an All-American Day Community Cookout from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. in the bank parking lot, 1500 Aylward Ave.
Read moreAfter a lengthy closure, the Ellsworth County recycling program is once again starting up.
Read moreNineteenth century prize fighting was popular with the sporting crowd, but certainly outside the confines of polite society. John Speer, editor of the Lawrence Weekly Tribune was not a fan of prize fighting. He registered his disgust at the accounts published in other newspapers in his Nov. 18, 1869, edition.
Read moreKANOPOLIS — At the June 11 meeting of the Kanopolis City Council, approval was given to a request by Tim Hays of the 4-H Club to host a trap shooting event during Fort Harker Days. It will be held in a stock trailer that has been converted to a shooting sports trailer. The club will provide insurance to cover the event. The council suggested it be conducted between 1-3 p.m. so as not to conflict with other events. It will be located on Kansas Street in front of the park.
Read moreWILSON — At Monday’s meeting of the Wilson City Council, consideration began of whether or not to eliminate the public forum.
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