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Latest posts from Ellsworth


Voters also will fill district judge seat

Ask Lisa Beran and Levi Morris to name their greatest strength as candidates for district judge in the 20th Judicial District and they will give you the same answer — experience. Beran has served as an attor

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Big weekend in the works

More than four decades ago, several riders took their horses to Robert Loder’s place near Marquette for an evening of fun. The get-together, which included egg races and other competitions, eventually led to the organization of the Smoky Valley Saddle Club and the construction of an arena, where every year members conduct a rodeo.

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Turning the Tide

Late in July, 1853, the Cheyenne and the allied tribes of Arapaho, Sioux, Kiowa, and Plains Apache gathered to seek revenge on the Pawnee, a tribe the Cheyenne called the Wolf People. The Cheyennes had lost several important men when the Pawnees had surprised them and slaughtered the entire party in 1852.

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From Our Readers

Action taken by an active political candidate and letters previously published in the Ellsworth County Independent Reporter have prompted this letter. I have recently seen the Bearcat image associated with the 327 School District and used for the children of this district to celebrate their scholastic and athletic achievements and to raise funding for their activities, be appropriated for personal political advantage. Candidates for office are barred from using “false claims of support” that state or imply support by political parties or an organization. I feel the Bearcat image should be reserved for the students and removed from partisan political use.

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Anxiety can make smart people do stupid things

Facing a horrifying midsummer surge of coronavirus cases, Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly wanted to delay the start of the school year for three weeks.

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Don’t let Marquette become another Logan

My daughter called the other day from Washington, D.C. to tell me she won’t be coming home in August.

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Wearing masks as a testimony of faith, not fear

Wearing masks as a testimony of faith, not fear

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