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From Our Readers

Vote ‘no’ to preserve schools

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When words inspire actions

Four years ago, I was asked to become a contributor to this column and had no idea that this would become a regular part of my world. I also didn’t realize how much fun it would be to share experiences and thoughts about farming, rural life, community and the lessons that have formed my values.

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Remembering the cow paths

The cowboy is without question the undisputed heroic symbol of the American West. Movies, novels and songs have carried his fame around the world, and yet, the era in which he prevailed lasted only a few decades. Oh, but what decades they were!

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Fields refreshed

By allie thomasson

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Kanopolis allows Nanny Scaping in city

KANOPOLIS — The Kanopolis City Council agreed to a 60-day trial for Nanny Scaping inside city limits.

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County to find secure solution for ballot counters

At Monday’s meeting of the Ellsworth County Commission, approval was given to spend $2,000 and have First Wireless repair the analog backup router for dispatch at the Ellsworth County Sheriff ’s Office, which is down. Sheriff Murray Marston said the funds for the repair router would be taken from his budget.

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County Fair fun wraps up this week

Wednesday, July 19

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