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Paul Magnuson observes 90th birthday

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Paul Magnuson observed his 90th birthday April 5; however, because of COVID-19, his family was unable to have an in-person celebration. One will be planned at a later date.

Meanwhile, friends and family members can send him a card at P.O. Box 333, Marquette, Kan.

Paul Magnuson was born near Marquette in 1930 and went to school here before he served in the United States Air Force. He has lived numerous places, including Alaska. A number of years ago he decided to retire in Marquette, but instead of hanging up his “bag” he went to work helping neighbors and friends with projects. He has served the community in many ways and at many times.

Paul has three daughters, Sherrie Elvin, rural Marquette, Kathy Eudy, Denver, Colo. and Sheila Doo, Marquette.