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Ellsworth County Notice to issue General Obligation Bonds for Landfill

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(First Published in the Ellsworth County Independent
Reporter, April 9, 2020)    



You and each of you are hereby notified that the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") of Ellsworth County, Kansas (the "County") intends to improve a landfill/refuse disposal site in the County by excavation of a landfill pit (the “Project”), pursuant to K.S.A. 19-2658 et seq. (the "Act"), at an estimated construction and financing cost to the County of $145,000.
In order to finance the Project costs, the Board further intends to issue general obligation bonds of the County, in an amount not to exceed $145,000 (the "Bonds”), with the balance of Project costs to be paid from other available cash and resources of the County.  It is the intent of the Board that the Bonds and interest thereon may be paid from revenues generated from the use of the County solid waste disposal facilities, including the Project, but the Bonds and the interest thereon nonetheless will be general obligations of the County that are payable, if necessary, from unlimited ad valorem taxation.  It is also the intent of the Board to purchase and hold the Bonds from available cash reserves of the County.  The Bonds are exempt from computation of the total bonded indebtedness of the County pursuant to the Act.
This Notice shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the official County newspaper, and if, within thirty (30) days after the last publication, there shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk, not later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day, a written protest signed by electors of the County equal in number to not less than 10 percent of the electors who voted in the County for the Secretary of State at the last preceding general election, the Bonds may not be issued unless the question of the issuance thereof is submitted to and approved by the electors of the County at an election to be called for that purpose as provided by law.  If no sufficient protest is filed within said period of time, the Board may proceed with the Project and the issuance of the Bonds.
DATED:  April 6, 2020.

/s/ Stephen Dlabal
Board of County Commissioners
Ellsworth County, Kansas

/s/Shelly D. Vopat
County Clerk

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