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Dangerous Structure, 2211 Ave D Wilson.

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(First published in the Ellsworth County Independent/Reporter October 29, 2020)

City of Wilson:
Being a resolution Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Wilson, Declaring as a Health Nuisance Conditions Existing on Private Property located within the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas.

Whereas, The Board of Health inspected the following described tracts, to wit:

Lot Ten (10) and the North Half (N/2) of Lot Eleven (11), in Block One (1) in Tyler’s Addition to the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas, commonly referred to as 2211 Ave D, and currently owned by Roger Hubert; and

Whereas, that said Board of Health declared the above described property contained:

    (1)  Broken windows
    (2)  windows falling out
    (3)  holes in the roof and trim
    (4)  miscellaneous debris around
           the property
    (5)  overgrown areas
that are a public nuisance pursuant to Ordinance No. 638 of the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County Kansas; and

Whereas, a letter was given with the described public health nuisances on the hereinbefore described property to the property owner Roger Hubert on June 1, 2020  to correct the condition of the property with thirty (30) days; and

Whereas, the property owner requested a hearing with the Governing Body of the City of Wilson,  Ellsworth County, Kansas and was given an extension until October 10, 2020 to correct the condition of the property:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas, declares since there has not been sufficient progress to abate the nuisances that if the nuisances as previously declared by the Board of Health, in their original list of items to be abated are not abated, then 30 days after personal service of this resolution upon the owner, the governing body of the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas, through its Board of Health, shall hire and contract that the nuisances will be removed from the premises, and that the cost incurred by the City of Wilson shall be charged against the lot or parcels of ground upon which the nuisance is located as provided in Ordinance No. 638 of the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County Kansas; and

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution shall be served upon the owner in violation by personal service upon the person in violation; or certified mail return receipt requested;  or in the event the whereabouts of such person is unknown and the same cannot be ascertained in the exercise of reasonable diligence, an affidavit to that effect shall be made by the Board of Health and filed with the City Clerk, and the serving of the resolution shall be made by publishing the same once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the Ellsworth County  Independent/Reporter, the official City newspaper, and by posting a copy of this Resolution on the premises where such condition exists; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is adopted in its entirety by the governing body of the City of Wilson, Ellsworth County, Kansas, this 19th day of October, 2020.
Michael J. Peschka
