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Welcome to our annual county-wide edition!

Many of our subscribers receive their newspaper weekly through the mail. During the week of Thanksgiving, we opt to send this issue of the Independent-Reporter to more than 5,000 households.  
Our intention is to let all households in Ellsworth County (and slightly beyond) experience the I-R. In the interest of full disclosure, we certainly hope you will find the product and included information valuable enough to consider a subscription, either in print or online. Our website, which is usually behind a paywall, is also open to all readers this week. Please take a minute to visit and check things out.
We also hope you enjoy The Magazine. This is one of our newspaper’s newer offerings. It publishes quarterly, and includes in-depth reporting, which we feel is becoming a lost art.
Another reason we commit to an extended audience this week is that we have amazing advertisers who have many exciting items in the works for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. We want to help share their information as widely as possible. Hopefully, you will find their information and offerings valuable, and in turn support them.
Thank you for taking time to read the I-R. We hope you have a blessed holiday season.

Karen Bonar