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Ellsworth County Board of Health issues a 14-day isolation order for residents who have visited hot spot areas

Posted in:


 (Issued under the Authority Granted by K.S.A. 65-119(a)


March 19th, 2020


The Board of Health/Health Officer hereby issues the following order of 14 day isolation and quarantine:


To individuals who have traveled to Texas, Johnson County or other Kansas counties identified with community spread COVID-19 and other areas as mandated by Governor Kelly including international travel; travel on a cruise ship or river cruise; travel to Washington state, New York, Florida, California and travel to Eagle, Summit, Pitkin and Gunnison counties in Colorado. People subject to quarantine under this order must comply with the KDHE home quarantine guidelines currently in effect.


The basis for this order:


To reduce the transmission and spread of Coronavirus.


This order will remain in effect until vacated by the Board of Health or Health Officer. Any questions regarding this notice may be directed to Kerianne Ehrlich, Ellsworth County Health Department Administrator, at 785-472-4488.





Kerianne Ehrlich, RN/BSN, Administrator               Dr. Ronald Whitmer, MD

Ellsworth County Health Department                        Ellsworth County Health Officer

March 19th, 2020                                                        March 19th, 2020