A recent whirlwind trip took me to both Gettysburg and Washington, D.C. in the same week. Both sites were good places to reflect on people, politics and the ideals that guide our actions.
Read moreThe week started with 250 4-H’ers from across the state coming to Topeka for Citizenship in Action.
Read more“Eleven years ago, this morning (Feb. 22, 1868) the writer stood on the high land ... and looked for the first time upon the beautiful valley of the Cottonwood, thinking then as now that a lovelier scene never filled the eye of a lover of nature.” Thus Jacob Stotler, editor of the Emporia News, began the review of his recent trip to the southwest.
Read moreIf you’re looking for a good cup of coffee Saturday morning, we encourage you to attend one of two legislative forums planned for Ellsworth County.
Read moreCommittee work continued to be at the forefront of activity in the Kansas House. Several issues are now working their way out of committees for consideration on the House floor.
Read moreAt the close of the Civil War in 1865, a lot of young men were left without a means to make a living.
Read moreLet’s be honest, assuming that is still possible in these days of the new normal. The subject: bullies and bullying. Over the last couple of decades Americans have campaigned against
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