The 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris have captured much of my attention over the past week. If you were to enter our house or office at any given time, you’d likely find the television on in the background with a competition being broadcast.
Read moreIn the later part of the 19th Century, a conflict arose at the southern Kansas border that had not been seen in any other part of the west. The seed of the dispute germinated through a land grab movement by settlers who coveted the fertile Cherokee land south of Kansas. They were especially irked by a grazing lease arrangement cattlemen had negotiated with the Cherokee Nation As early as 1878, cattlemen maintained lease arrangements with the established sovereign government of the Cherokee Nation, whereby large tracts of the reservation were grazed at a per head rate.
Read moreMineral spring waters were once one of the most popular treatments for human ailment. A particular cluster of springs in south central Kansas was long known to the Indians for its healing waters.
Read morePurchase of a new C-arm and an EKG were discussed Monday afternoon during the Ellsworth County Medical Center board of directors.
Read moreFrontier Kansas was a wild, exciting place. The frontier was certainly no place for a “pilgrim,” inexperienced in the ways of violent men on edge of civilization.
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